Add descriptions for exported values

This commit is contained in:
2024-07-17 17:21:27 -07:00
parent a8d151d568
commit bd603973d0

@ -6,21 +6,29 @@
extends CharacterBody3D
# TODO: Add descriptions for each value
## The settings for the character's movement and feel.
## The speed that the character moves at without crouching or sprinting.
@export var base_speed : float = 3.0
## The speed that the character moves at when sprinting.
@export var sprint_speed : float = 6.0
## The speed that the character moves at when crouching.
@export var crouch_speed : float = 1.0
## How fast the character speeds up and slows down when Motion Smoothing is on.
@export var acceleration : float = 10.0
## How high the player jumps.
@export var jump_velocity : float = 4.5
## How far the player turns when the mouse is moved.
@export var mouse_sensitivity : float = 0.1
## Wether the player can use movement inputs. Does not stop outside forces or jumping. See Jumping Enabled.
@export var immobile : bool = false
## The reticle file to import at runtime. By default are in res://addons/fpc/reticles/. Set to an empty string to remove.
@export_file var default_reticle
## The node that holds the camera. This is rotated instead of the camera for mouse input.
@export var HEAD : Node3D
@export var CAMERA : Camera3D
@export var HEADBOB_ANIMATION : AnimationPlayer
@ -35,6 +43,7 @@ extends CharacterBody3D
@export var RIGHT : String = "ui_right"
@export var FORWARD : String = "ui_up"
@export var BACKWARD : String = "ui_down"
## By default this does not pause the game, but that can be set in _process.
@export var PAUSE : String = "ui_cancel"
@export var CROUCH : String = "crouch"
@export var SPRINT : String = "sprint"
@ -46,18 +55,27 @@ extends CharacterBody3D
#@export var LOOK_DOWN : String = "look_down"
@export_group("Feature Settings")
## Enable or disable jumping. Useful for restrictive storytelling environments.
@export var jumping_enabled : bool = true
## Wether the player can move in the air or not.
@export var in_air_momentum : bool = true
## Smooths the feel of walking.
@export var motion_smoothing : bool = true
@export var sprint_enabled : bool = true
@export var crouch_enabled : bool = true
@export_enum("Hold to Crouch", "Toggle Crouch") var crouch_mode : int = 0
@export_enum("Hold to Sprint", "Toggle Sprint") var sprint_mode : int = 0
## Wether sprinting should effect FOV.
@export var dynamic_fov : bool = true
## If the player holds down the jump button, should the player keep hopping.
@export var continuous_jumping : bool = true
## Enables the view bobbing animation.
@export var view_bobbing : bool = true
## Enables an immersive animation when the player jumps and hits the ground.
@export var jump_animation : bool = true
## This determines wether the player can use the pause button, not wether the game will actually pause.
@export var pausing_enabled : bool = true
## Use with caution.
@export var gravity_enabled : bool = true
@ -344,11 +362,14 @@ func _process(delta):
if pausing_enabled:
if Input.is_action_just_pressed(PAUSE):
# You may want another node to handle pausing, because this player may get paused too.
match Input.mouse_mode:
Input.mouse_mode = Input.MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE
#get_tree().paused = false
Input.mouse_mode = Input.MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED
#get_tree().paused = false
func _unhandled_input(event):