346 lines
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346 lines
12 KiB
# COPYRIGHT Colormatic Studios
# MIT licence
# Quality Godot First Person Controller v2
extends CharacterBody3D
# TODO: Add descriptions for each value
@export var base_speed : float = 3.0
@export var sprint_speed : float = 6.0
@export var crouch_speed : float = 1.0
@export var acceleration : float = 10.0
@export var jump_velocity : float = 4.5
@export var mouse_sensitivity : float = 0.1
@export var immobile : bool = false
@export_file var default_reticle
@export var HEAD : Node3D
@export var CAMERA : Camera3D
@export var HEADBOB_ANIMATION : AnimationPlayer
@export var JUMP_ANIMATION : AnimationPlayer
@export var CROUCH_ANIMATION : AnimationPlayer
@export var COLLISION_MESH : CollisionShape3D
# We are using UI controls because they are built into Godot Engine so they can be used right away
@export var JUMP : String = "ui_accept"
@export var LEFT : String = "ui_left"
@export var RIGHT : String = "ui_right"
@export var FORWARD : String = "ui_up"
@export var BACKWARD : String = "ui_down"
@export var PAUSE : String = "ui_cancel"
@export var CROUCH : String
@export var SPRINT : String
# Uncomment if you want full controller support
#@export var LOOK_LEFT : String
#@export var LOOK_RIGHT : String
#@export var LOOK_UP : String
#@export var LOOK_DOWN : String
@export_group("Feature Settings")
@export var jumping_enabled : bool = true
@export var in_air_momentum : bool = true
@export var motion_smoothing : bool = true
@export var sprint_enabled : bool = true
@export var crouch_enabled : bool = true
@export_enum("Hold to Crouch", "Toggle Crouch") var crouch_mode : int = 0
@export_enum("Hold to Sprint", "Toggle Sprint") var sprint_mode : int = 0
@export var dynamic_fov : bool = true
@export var continuous_jumping : bool = true
@export var view_bobbing : bool = true
@export var jump_animation : bool = true
@export var pausing_enabled : bool = true
@export var gravity_enabled : bool = true
# Member variables
var speed : float = base_speed
var current_speed : float = 0.0
# States: normal, crouching, sprinting
var state : String = "normal"
var low_ceiling : bool = false # This is for when the cieling is too low and the player needs to crouch.
var was_on_floor : bool = true # Was the player on the floor last frame (for landing animation)
# The reticle should always have a Control node as the root
var RETICLE : Control
# Get the gravity from the project settings to be synced with RigidBody nodes
var gravity : float = ProjectSettings.get_setting("physics/3d/default_gravity") # Don't set this as a const, see the gravity section in _physics_process
func _ready():
#It is safe to comment this line if your game doesn't start with the mouse captured
Input.mouse_mode = Input.MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED
# If the controller is rotated in a certain direction for game design purposes, redirect this rotation into the head.
HEAD.rotation.y = rotation.y
rotation.y = 0
if default_reticle:
# Reset the camera position
# If you want to change the default head height, change these animations.
func check_controls(): # If you add a control, you might want to add a check for it here.
if !InputMap.has_action(JUMP):
push_error("No control mapped for jumping. Please add an input map control. Disabling jump.")
jumping_enabled = false
if !InputMap.has_action(LEFT):
push_error("No control mapped for move left. Please add an input map control. Disabling movement.")
immobile = true
if !InputMap.has_action(RIGHT):
push_error("No control mapped for move right. Please add an input map control. Disabling movement.")
immobile = true
if !InputMap.has_action(FORWARD):
push_error("No control mapped for move forward. Please add an input map control. Disabling movement.")
immobile = true
if !InputMap.has_action(BACKWARD):
push_error("No control mapped for move backward. Please add an input map control. Disabling movement.")
immobile = true
if !InputMap.has_action(PAUSE):
push_error("No control mapped for move pause. Please add an input map control. Disabling pausing.")
pausing_enabled = false
if !InputMap.has_action(CROUCH):
push_error("No control mapped for crouch. Please add an input map control. Disabling crouching.")
crouch_enabled = false
if !InputMap.has_action(SPRINT):
push_error("No control mapped for sprint. Please add an input map control. Disabling sprinting.")
sprint_enabled = false
func change_reticle(reticle): # Yup, this function is kinda strange
RETICLE = load(reticle).instantiate()
RETICLE.character = self
func _physics_process(delta):
# Big thanks to github.com/LorenzoAncora for the concept of the improved debug values
current_speed = Vector3.ZERO.distance_to(get_real_velocity())
$UserInterface/DebugPanel.add_property("Speed", snappedf(current_speed, 0.001), 1)
$UserInterface/DebugPanel.add_property("Target speed", speed, 2)
var cv : Vector3 = get_real_velocity()
var vd : Array[float] = [
snappedf(cv.x, 0.001),
snappedf(cv.y, 0.001),
snappedf(cv.z, 0.001)
var readable_velocity : String = "X: " + str(vd[0]) + " Y: " + str(vd[1]) + " Z: " + str(vd[2])
$UserInterface/DebugPanel.add_property("Velocity", readable_velocity, 3)
# Gravity
#gravity = ProjectSettings.get_setting("physics/3d/default_gravity") # If the gravity changes during your game, uncomment this code
if not is_on_floor() and gravity and gravity_enabled:
velocity.y -= gravity * delta
var input_dir = Vector2.ZERO
if !immobile: # Immobility works by interrupting user input, so other forces can still be applied to the player
input_dir = Input.get_vector(LEFT, RIGHT, FORWARD, BACKWARD)
handle_movement(delta, input_dir)
# The player is not able to stand up if the ceiling is too low
low_ceiling = $CrouchCeilingDetection.is_colliding()
if dynamic_fov: # This may be changed to an AnimationPlayer
if view_bobbing:
if jump_animation:
if !was_on_floor and is_on_floor(): # The player just landed
match randi() % 2: #TODO: Change this to detecting velocity direction
JUMP_ANIMATION.play("land_left", 0.25)
JUMP_ANIMATION.play("land_right", 0.25)
was_on_floor = is_on_floor() # This must always be at the end of physics_process
func handle_jumping():
if jumping_enabled:
if continuous_jumping: # Hold down the jump button
if Input.is_action_pressed(JUMP) and is_on_floor() and !low_ceiling:
if jump_animation:
JUMP_ANIMATION.play("jump", 0.25)
velocity.y += jump_velocity # Adding instead of setting so jumping on slopes works properly
if Input.is_action_just_pressed(JUMP) and is_on_floor() and !low_ceiling:
if jump_animation:
JUMP_ANIMATION.play("jump", 0.25)
velocity.y += jump_velocity
func handle_movement(delta, input_dir):
var direction = input_dir.rotated(-HEAD.rotation.y)
direction = Vector3(direction.x, 0, direction.y)
if in_air_momentum:
if is_on_floor():
if motion_smoothing:
velocity.x = lerp(velocity.x, direction.x * speed, acceleration * delta)
velocity.z = lerp(velocity.z, direction.z * speed, acceleration * delta)
velocity.x = direction.x * speed
velocity.z = direction.z * speed
if motion_smoothing:
velocity.x = lerp(velocity.x, direction.x * speed, acceleration * delta)
velocity.z = lerp(velocity.z, direction.z * speed, acceleration * delta)
velocity.x = direction.x * speed
velocity.z = direction.z * speed
func handle_state(moving):
if sprint_enabled:
if sprint_mode == 0:
if Input.is_action_pressed(SPRINT) and state != "crouching":
if moving:
if state != "sprinting":
if state == "sprinting":
elif state == "sprinting":
elif sprint_mode == 1:
if moving:
# If the player is holding sprint before moving, handle that cenerio
if Input.is_action_pressed(SPRINT) and state == "normal":
if Input.is_action_just_pressed(SPRINT):
match state:
elif state == "sprinting":
if crouch_enabled:
if crouch_mode == 0:
if Input.is_action_pressed(CROUCH) and state != "sprinting":
if state != "crouching":
elif state == "crouching" and !$CrouchCeilingDetection.is_colliding():
elif crouch_mode == 1:
if Input.is_action_just_pressed(CROUCH):
match state:
if !$CrouchCeilingDetection.is_colliding():
# Any enter state function should only be called once when you want to enter that state, not every frame.
func enter_normal_state():
#print("entering normal state")
var prev_state = state
if prev_state == "crouching":
state = "normal"
speed = base_speed
func enter_crouch_state():
#print("entering crouch state")
var prev_state = state
state = "crouching"
speed = crouch_speed
func enter_sprint_state():
#print("entering sprint state")
var prev_state = state
if prev_state == "crouching":
state = "sprinting"
speed = sprint_speed
func update_camera_fov():
if state == "sprinting":
CAMERA.fov = lerp(CAMERA.fov, 85.0, 0.3)
CAMERA.fov = lerp(CAMERA.fov, 75.0, 0.3)
func headbob_animation(moving):
if moving and is_on_floor():
var use_headbob_animation : String
match state:
use_headbob_animation = "walk"
use_headbob_animation = "sprint"
var was_playing : bool = false
if HEADBOB_ANIMATION.current_animation == use_headbob_animation:
was_playing = true
HEADBOB_ANIMATION.play(use_headbob_animation, 0.25)
HEADBOB_ANIMATION.speed_scale = (current_speed / base_speed) * 1.75
if !was_playing:
HEADBOB_ANIMATION.seek(float(randi() % 2)) # Randomize the initial headbob direction
# Let me explain that piece of code because it looks like it does the opposite of what it actually does.
# The headbob animation has two starting positions. One is at 0 and the other is at 1.
# randi() % 2 returns either 0 or 1, and so the animation randomly starts at one of the starting positions.
# This code is extremely performant but it makes no sense.
HEADBOB_ANIMATION.speed_scale = 1
func _process(delta):
$UserInterface/DebugPanel.add_property("FPS", Performance.get_monitor(Performance.TIME_FPS), 0)
var status : String = state
if !is_on_floor():
status += " in the air"
$UserInterface/DebugPanel.add_property("State", status, 4)
if pausing_enabled:
if Input.is_action_just_pressed(PAUSE):
if Input.mouse_mode == Input.MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED:
Input.mouse_mode = Input.MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE
elif Input.mouse_mode == Input.MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE:
Input.mouse_mode = Input.MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED
HEAD.rotation.x = clamp(HEAD.rotation.x, deg_to_rad(-90), deg_to_rad(90))
# Uncomment if you want full controller support
#var controller_view_rotation = Input.get_vector(LOOK_LEFT, LOOK_RIGHT, LOOK_UP, LOOK_DOWN)
#HEAD.rotation_degrees.y -= controller_view_rotation.x * 1.5
#HEAD.rotation_degrees.x -= controller_view_rotation.y * 1.5
func _unhandled_input(event):
if event is InputEventMouseMotion and Input.mouse_mode == Input.MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED:
HEAD.rotation_degrees.y -= event.relative.x * mouse_sensitivity
HEAD.rotation_degrees.x -= event.relative.y * mouse_sensitivity